

Life can weigh us down with pain, exhaustion or stress.

Sometimes it seems like a huge challenge to remember what feeling well means.

Support for your unique needs can help you get back to feeling your best!

Techniques Used

  • Friction & Flush

    This is one of my favorite techniques because it can achieve the goals of deep tissue with less discomfort! It is a repetitive technique to rehydrate tissue that has become dehydrated and stuck together from constant tension.

    Best for: chronic tightness or pain, office workers, sensitive to pressure

  • Deep Tissue

    Deep Tissue

    This intense work is to the deepest layer of fascia. Soreness is common afterwards, epsom will help. Within 1-2 days you will noice a reduction in pain and increase in ROM. I also incorporate Tuina, a TCM technique that adds acupressure for fast relief.

    Best for: chronic or acute pain, reduced range of motion, fascial release

  • Pregnancy Massage

    I am a certified prenatal massage therapist meaning I have specific training to meet the demands of your body in your 2nd and 3rd trimester safely. Studies show massage is effective in reducing discomfort and increasing a sense of well-being.

    Best for: prenatal, postpartum, infant massage

  • Cupping & Guasha

    Cupping and guasha (gwha-sha) are some of the oldest practices in the world. They are effective to release pain and promote detoxification. They can relax the tissue quickly and let us work at deeper levels. Guasha in particular is great for cases of plantar fasciitis and stubborn tension.

    Best for: chronic tension or pain

  • AIS

    Active Isolated Stretching created by Aaron Mattes is a powerful way to improve ROM and strength fast. It is great in session as well as part of your self care homework to strengthen & balance your body. I am a level 1 practitioner.

    Best for: chronic, joints, post-injury recovery

  • Reiki

    Developed in the 1920’s by Mikao Usui it is a subtle therapy similar to acupuressure or Tai Chi. By balancing the flow of a body’s qi or energetic or field, it releases tension and is deeply relaxing. I received my master certification in 2017.

    Best for: relaxation, mindfulness, those sensitive to pressure

  • Buteyko

    Invented by Konstantin Buteyko in the 1950’s this is a wonderful way to improve your health in a single breath! By learning how to breathe more effectively amongst other benefits it can greatly help relaxation. I am a level 1 practitioner.

    Best for: relaxation, allergy sufferers

  • Hot Towels

    Not only is the ultimate relaxation, a steaming hot towel with essential oils, but it helps prepare the tissue. The heat increases local blood flow so tight muscles can melt and loosen.

    Best for: everyone!

What do you need?

  • When there is a particular goal in mind, say to increase shoulder range of motion, a flare of an old injury, if you need relief from an acute case.

    These are for folks who want to resolve an issue more than relax. Techniques used tend to be deep tissue, cupping an AIS.

    The more you want worked on the more time we will need.

    The more chronic an issue, the more sessions it takes to retrain the body.

    45, 70, 100, 120 minute sessions

  • This is for general wellness, if you want to tidy up and are not experiencing much discomfort. There is a larger focus on relaxation as well as more long term goals like increasing flexibility. It is also good for individuals who have recovered from previous injuries and want to maintain that progress. It can be great if you sit or drive a lot for work and need to be loosened up.

    Recommended for chronic pain and stress

    After an acute issue resolves this is a great way to maintain progress, see how long the relief lasts, come in sooner if needed.

    Every 4-6 weeks

    70, 100, 120 minute sessions offered

  • For calming the nervous system, recuperating after a long week or some pampering.

    The goal here is to promote blood flow, stimulate the lymph and encourage the body to gently detox all those stress hormones from the week! It can reduce sensations of pain or soreness, but does not include the deeper manipulation of tissue. Techniques here are more often friction and flushing, gentle stretching and reiki.

    It is especially good as palliative care and comfort during long illnesses when the body responds best to a lighter touch.

    Every 1-2 months

    70, 100, or 120 minute sessions

  • Pregnancy puts demands on your body metabolically and structurally. Massage can help relax the body, promote the flow of lymph and ease muscular discomforts. This is massage is specifically modified to safely address the discomfort you may feel. Techniques tend to be lighter. There are also some safe stretches we can practice for you to use at home.

    It is recommended to wait till after your first trimester to start getting massages.

    Often people like more frequent visits during the third trimester.

    70, 100, 120 minutes offered

If you are on a budget ask for homework! Good stretching plus self-care will help you recover faster, reduce the amount of sessions needed & improve overall health!

** No one should be denied care due to financial inaccessibility. I am able to offer a limited number of sliding scale sessions monthly, feel free to reach out and see if this may be a resource right for you.