Birth Support Made for You


Creative solutions that allow us to adapt as your pregnancy unfolds.


Your emotional well-being as an individual, not just as a parent is what a doula is there to support.


Everyone deserves the best possible care, non-judgement, informed choice, privacy, dignity and respect. All people are welcomed.


Through informed choice you know what is best for yourself and baby. You have the freedom to change your mind at any time..

Why have a doula?

What is a doula?

A doula provides dedicated care as a non-medical birth support. They are typically present for your labor but may also fill various roles during your pregnancy and postpartum period. They may provide community resources like lactation consultants, tips like using a rebozo, or product recommendations like the best pillows to try. A doula’s focus is on you without compromise. You are the sole priority. You will be heard, validated and supported.


My official doula training began with Sista Midwife Productions in New Orleans, a space focusing on the birth experience of black women guided by the brilliant Nicole Deggins. Her work is to change the world via birth, by increasing the number of black birth workers, reducing infant mortality and critically examining our medical system.

I learned infant massage with the incredible Colleen Curran. One of her many gifts has been helping parents and caretakers find their unique way of expressing love through touch, nourishing the whole family.

I am certified in prenatal massage by The Institute of Somatic Therapy. This is additional training on working with pregnancy specific techniques as well as further education into the anatomical changes during pregnancy.

My midwifery apprenticeship initially began in 2020, while I do not currently provide medical care as a doula it was amazing insight. Due to my current studies as student of acupuncture & TCM at THSU, I have put my apprenticeship on hold to focus on school and my current work. My focus in TCM is fertility and pediatrics.

I have attended births in homes, birth centers, hospitals and even a C-section. I have worked with doctors, midwives and other doulas. There is so much to keep learning and I am grateful for continuing opportunities.

Common Services

Massage: for you, for baby, demonstrate easy techniques

Resources: useful tools like peanut balls or pregnancy pillows, reading recommendations, community services or other providers like acupuncturists

Self-care suggestions: stretching and exercises to reduce discomfort, safe essential oils, nourishing recipes, breastfeeding recommendations

Rebozo: during labor, teaching you and your birth support how use

Birth plans: reading recommendations, suggestions for arranging birth support and their roles, exploring what you may want during labor and how it can be incorporated

Birth bag: what to have, packing ahead of time

Coping: breath work, communication strategies, stress management, positive mental attitude

Labor support: I arrive when you want and stay till after the birth to help you however you want as emotional support and gentle massage

Postpartum: meal prep self-care, safe sleep, breastfeeding support, belly wrapping, sitz baths

Light housework: general tidying, some meal prep, infant laundry, dishes, vacuuming

Helpful Links

Doula Intro Packet

The Process

  • Consultations are free lasting anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. It can be virtual, a call or meeting for a tea, whatever fits best in your schedule. This is time to ask any questions and talk about what working together can look like. My goal in this is to understand your unique needs and in what ways I can facilitate that within your boundaries. This is not a binding meeting.

    Feel free to follow up with any questions or thoughts.

  • After our consultation I will take into account everything to draft some options for you. This takes about 2-3 days for me to email you. I will list a specific number of included visits prenatal and postpartum. I will list options for additional hourly services if needed. I will more detailedly explain some of the services we discussed as well as any additional recommendations. I will explain the labor support I can provide based on your expected birth site.

    My priority here is to create some basic expectations and what my strategy to meet them is while respecting your schedule, budget and wishes.

  • Once you review the proposals, cut or add whatever you like, we will sign the contract and set a date for service to begin. At this time the deposit is due.

    I use a contract so we are both legally protected. If you wish to terminate or add additional services the contract allows for that. You will also be able to receive massage at reduced cost and well as set an hourly for additional services if needed.

  • This is highly variable, there is no set plan but the basic structure usually includes:

    prenatal visits: we discuss birth plan, pain coping strategies, self care during pregnancy, birth bag prep

    labor support: this is continuous, I come as soon as you want and stay till after the birth

    communication: usually weekly check ins, emailing of resource list/prenatal yoga etc.

  • I block my schedule for the 2 wks prior and after your due date completely for you. I take no other births during this window so I can be there any time without scheduling conflict.

    For me to reserve this spot for you the final payment is due by when you reach 36 weeks.

  • Postpartum is usually defined as the period 6 wks after giving birth. This is a flexible window here, you may just want monthly massage for a while, or you may want something more present like light housework. The contract will specify the services you request in advanced for this 6 wks. If during this window you find you need support longer or want to add services it is possible.

    When you decide you are ready to end services you just let me know. I love getting updates from clients after our time together and I will always be a resource for you if needed!