• This describes professional massage for therapeutic goals. It is thinking of how to direct pressure from my hands to your tissue in order to manipulate these tissues to reduce pain. It is more than just rubbing a back, it is having a strategy to achieve specific results within the time we have together. It requires professional training to learn how to safely work with to body like knowing range of motion, anatomical structures and how to identify symptoms. It is combined with experience and intuition to discern which potential techniques are appropriate for your body .

  • HYDRATE!! As much as you can the days leading up to and after a session. I recommend a little snack before and after and even an epsom bath to help with post-session soreness. I also recommend arriving 5-10 minutes early so we can do an intake where you let me know how you feel currently, what you want to focus on any any techniques you have previously liked!

  • Self care and homework! Take it easy, let your body continue adjusting to the treatment for the next 24 hours and keep on hydrating! Between sessions I often recommend stretching, the use of epsom, foam rollers or heat to maintain the benefits of our session and encourage positive change in your tissue.

  • Typically it is best to remove all jewelry and disrobe completely. In order to manipulate fascia direct contact is needed with the tissue. You will be draped at all times with the sheets so you can feel secure and respected. Only the portion of your body being worked on will be bare.

    If you would like to keep any article of clothing on that is completely up to you, I would recommend it is something you do not mind coming into contact with the cream.

  • Yes you can! I offer a variety of session lengths specifically for this. I also am able to offer some sliding scale, please be kind and allow these for people who truly need this service, I am only able to offer a few spots each month with the goal of combating health care disparities.

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